2nd amendments says you have the rights to bare arms. EX. You can have a weapon and it is legal
3rd amendment says tou dont have to quarter soldier. EX. a soldier cant stay in you house if you dont want them to
7nd amendment says you have the right to a trial by jury with attorney EX. you get a trial if you did a crime and you have the opption to have a lawyer or someone to defend your case
The separte but equal schools where not equal in many ways. the african american schools where poorly funded and got hand me down book that were often out of date and falling apart. teacher where often under paid and
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The branches work against eachother when it comes to laws. The legislative branch makes laws, but the President can veto those laws with a Presidential Veto. The legislative branch makes laws, but the judicial branch can declare those laws unconstitutional.
hoped that by keeping the church as it was