Answer: D) You want to remember the information.
Explanation: When you paraphrase you're not trying to rememer the information, you're putting the information in your own words.
I could be wrong, but I help this helps!
They argued with the waiter because of some misunderstanding.
I'm afraid that I'm unable to help you. I don't have enough time.
We will never accept your unreasonable demand
You should go to this school because it has excellent reputation
Many soldiers heroes died in the resistance war.
Tan Son Nhat is an international airport. It should be larger in a near future.
She speaks with persuasion. This is the reason why that man trusted her
Our vacation was spent enjoying in a small village by the sea.
Alcohol advertisement is strictly prohibited in this country
You must familiarize yourself with the use of these modern machines.
Does your sister work as a sports editor for the Bang Da Plus ?
She said to me I would have to work harder next academic year
You should go to Seattle school of English. It's highly reputable.
Mia 's barrier to critical thinking is 4.<em>thinking that she is too smart</em>. She thinks herself to be that smart because of her intelligence performance- IQ- ; she has been evaluated with a much higher grade -145- than the average. As a consequence, she cannot understand - <em>she gets upset</em> - why she is asked to give an answer to her classmates' different or opposing ideas. She mistakes critical debates for questioning her intelligence; she thinks her 145 IQ is synonymous with the absolute truth.
1. Time is not correct because this is not a factor to be considered when debating critically.
2.lack of understanding. Mia undesrtands perfectly well the teacher's instructions. Her problem is not rational but emotional.
3.IQ philosophy. In fact, Mia 's intelligence has been measured using this IQ philosophy, but it is <em>her attitude</em> what works as a barrier for critical thinking.
The correct answer is B! :)