Often times history downplays what exactly happened during the civil rights era, in which MLK faced many struggles during. His house was bombed, death threats, racial slurs, spit, physical violence, and most importantly was his assassination. MLK Studied Sociology in school and got involved in the Civil Rights Movement as he came from a family of activist, as MLK became apart of the Baptist church in Alabama he organized a bus boycott. King then formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which dedicated itself to the advancement of rights for African Americans.
Death and the King's Horseman isn't just about a clash of cultures—it's also about a clash of religions. Yoruba spirituality and Elesin's attempts to confront mortality and the afterlife are very much at the heart of the story, and Soyinka himself sees the spiritual dilemmas that the play presents as the key thing going on. The play definitely prompts us to think about different religions and customs and how they intersect and clash, dropping references to Islam and Christianity as well as lots of discussion of Yorubam religious practices.
By showing the richness of Yoruba traditions while simultaneously failing to show the British characters actively engaged in any kind of religion, Soyinka suggests the emptiness of British customs and religion.
The whole sonnet is, in my opinion, about the fact that this woman does not love the poet - she is hiding her feelings well, and thinking about somebody else. So, the correct answer could be either C or D.