Populations tend to grow because of repopulation.
This means that the means height (which is all the sum of the height of all the students divided by their number ) is 205 cm. Standard deviation means how the height of the students deviates from this mean since students do vary in height and are not all the same height of 205 cm. Therefore, in this case, the amount of standard dispersion of the students' height is by 17 cm on either lower or higher side of the mean.
Carbon capture and sequestration
While it's not a power generation technology, carbon capture and sequestration—technologies that allow for the scrubbing of carbon from power plants for storage in underground reservoirs—may finally be coming of age after years of trial and error.
Technology pilot demonstrations at coal-based power plants in places like Australia and the U.S. have sparked new interest in the technology.
The hope is, it could become an enabler for other technologies, such as biomass or algae-based biofuels that produce carbon emissions. That's because organic fuels pull carbon from the atmosphere before converting it to fuel.
The cell’s DNA is replicated or copied before cell division because it is important for the cell to have 2 DNA molecules because the cell is going to divide into 2. Each new cell need a 1 DNA