It was never said that He was free of all germs, it says that He was free of all sins. Also, Jesus wasn't concieved like babies usually would be. Mary just became pregnant without having $exual intercourse. It was the Lords Will that she carries Him (Jesus), claiming that Joseph was the earthly father even though they didn't share the same DNA
I believe it was when small and large States decided to have an upper and Lower house. the lower house, house of rep, was to have the number of rep. be based on population. while the upper house, the senate, was made to give all states an equal representation in the government. this being based on statehood ,which earned two senators, and did not take population into account into choosing the number of senators.
The mesoamericans where atypical to the lifestyle of neolithic peroid.
- The agriculture in Mesoamerica dates to 8000-2000 BC, the hunter was leading a nomadic style of hunting and gathering in the early Pleistocene, cultivation of crops was practiced near the seasonal camps.
- The surplus was left for drought days the style of cultivation progressed and food became increasingly important for people.
- The increase of permanent settlements and lead to greater reliance on domesticated crops. Eventually, people started to live sedentary lifestyles. The most important crops were maize, squash, and beans.
A royal colony is what james town is now
Polk's goal was to spread the United States across the North American continent from the Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean. His goal was to secure the territories of <u>New Mexico </u>and <u>California</u>, which allowed him to extend the United States to the Pacific Ocean.