After his return to India he started practice as a lawyer at first in the High Court at ... From 1893 till 1913 Gandhiji practised in South Africa.
The original alphabet was developed by a Semitic people living in or near Egypt. * They based it on the idea developed by the Egyptians, but used their own specific symbols. It was quickly adopted by their neighbors and relatives to the east and north, the Canaanites, the Hebrews, and the Phoenicians.
Possibly earthquakes, eruptions, possibilitty, and emotions.
Gladiatorial contests, like chariot races, were originally held in large open spaces with temporary seating; there is evidence that some munera were held in the Roman Forum, for example. As the games became more frequent and popular, there was need for a larger and more permanent structure. Although the Circus Maximus was often pressed into service because of its huge seating capacity, the Romans eventually designed a building specifically for this type of spectacle (called an amphitheatrum because the seating extended all the way around the oval or elliptical performance area, which was covered with sand, harena). Early amphitheaters, both in Rome and elsewhere, were built of wood, but stone amphitheaters proved to be much more durable; the oldest stone amphitheater, built in Pompeii in the first century CE and seating approximately 20,000, is still well preserved (see also this view through an archway on the upper level, a section of stone seats with staircase, and the exterior walls with stairway). Like Roman theaters, amphitheaters were freestanding; because they did not require natural hills, as Greek theaters did, they could be built anywhere. A remarkable painting from a house in Pompeii depicts the amphitheater. In the tree-shaded area in front, vendors have set up temporary shops to sell food and drinks; the exercise-ground to the right was equipped with a large latrine so spectators could relieve themselves. This fresco depicts a specific event that took place in 59 CE, when a fight erupted between the Pompeians and the neighboring Nucerians (much like modern soccer brawls); in punishment for the riot, Nero imposed a ten-year ban on gladiatorial fights in the amphitheater.
Industrialization in the Russian Empire enabled the development of the industrial sector of the economy, which allowed to increase labor productivity and partially provided the economy with industrial products. Industrialization in the Russian Empire was a reaction to the industrialization process in Western Europe countries.
The first steps related to accelerating the development of industry were taken during the reign of Peter I. However, the beginning of the introduction of machine production in leading industries and vehicles was in the second quarter of the 19th century. This period is considered to be the beginning of the industrial revolution in Russian Empire. The industrialization process continued until 1917. Later in the years of Soviet industrialization. Russia was in the role of catching up, trying to catch up with the advanced countries of the West in terms of industrial development.The revolution began during the mid eighteenth century when the need for cotton in England rose. Workers tried to resist the change, but failed when they could not produce as much cotton as that required to sustain the economy in England. The inventions at this time were at first limited to cotton weaving but later the industry opened to other forms of inventions. At this time when machines were invented for producing cotton, capitalism also took on the rise. The wealthy bought machines that were used for cotton production and employed the poor people into their factories for processing. This change in production made the factory system to replace the cottage industry in England. (stearns 120)
The invention of factory systems later was followed by a change in the social set up, where government and social policies were changed. Culture was as well changed and its transformation took into different and unique styles that were new to the English. This means the English life with machinery had played a big role in the transformation of the English social life.