Plato rejected Athenian democracy on the basis that such democracies were anarchic societies without internal unity, that they followed citizens' impulses rather than pursuing the common good, that democracies are unable to allow a sufficient number of their citizens to have their voices heard.
Checks and balances
The veto was first applied by President George Washington on April 5, 1792, and the first successful overcoming of the veto by Congress occurred on March 3, 1845 (veto by President John Tyler). At the same time, in the entire history of the US presidency, a total of 1,508 vetoes have been introduced (an average of 6.7 veto per year) (excluding the so-called “pocket veto” - a pocket veto that cannot be overcome), and 1117 of them were overcome. The fact that only 7.3% of the bills that the US President vetoed was eventually passed by the US Congress, clearly indicates the effectiveness of this manifestation of checks and balances (veto rights).
It breached a line between domestic law, and foreign military operations.
It is inhumane first if you look at it logically all the words mean the same except for boring which does not make sense.