Try answering the 5W's
Like: Strength
I enjoy studying Maths and Physics (what) in my free time (when) because solving sums help me feel in control/i'm good at it/they are interesting (why). You may often me (who) hunched over a physics book on a beautiful saturday morning right after dawn in my bedroom (where)
The belligerent girl talked back to a teacher, because talking back is agrees ive and disrespectful.
What is your favorite band that is still together? I need it for the essay.
edit: here's a starter because I can't think of anything else:
Last night. It was then that the best night of my life took place. I went to a Maroon 5 concert! It was amazing,but I did have a bit of a headache afterwards. There were so many lights from the stage and fellow fans’ glow sticks and phone lights,it was almost blinding! They even played Girls Like You with Cardi B