The power to make laws
The Constitution specifically grants Congress its most important power — the authority to make laws. A bill, or proposed law, only becomes a law after both the House of Representatives and the Senate have approved it in the same form. The two houses share other powers, many of which are listed in Article I, Section 8.
In Gothic architecture, there would always be a pointed arch and a ribbed vault, as well as a flying buttress. The entire place would have numerous carvings of great artistic value that would only point out even more how great of a building it would be, since it was one of the primary goals of Gothic builders, making things huge and imposing.
I would've enjoyed because becoming a master builder for such a project means that the government of the country trusts you to be skillful enough to create such a massive building with huge historic importance and this would only mean that they have you in high esteem and respect you. It would be something like the cherry on top of an amazing architectural career.
I think its Western Europe?
James Watt- steam engine with condenser- used much less coal than earlier engines.
Henry Bessemer- Industrial process for steel production- made it cost efficient to produce steel from molten iron on a large scale.
Eli Whitney- Cotton gin- Allowed fibre to be extracted from seed more efficiently.
Winfield Scott, a General-in-Chief for the U.S. Union Army, came up with the Anaconda Plan to blockade the Southern waterways of the Mississippi and patrol the Mississippi river, in an attempt to split Confederate forces. The main drawback of the plan, although initiated from the onset, was that is was nearly an impossible task to accomplish due to the size of the Mississippi River.