Correctness is key. The other ones are optimizations at most. Although I would always include humor... ;-)
favorite_color = input("Enter favorite color:\n")
pet = input("Enter pet's name:\n")
num = input("Enter a number:\n")
print("You entered: "+favorite_color+" "+pet+" "+num)
password1 = favorite_color+"_"+pet
password2 = num+favorite_color+num
print("First password: "+password1)
print("Second password: "+password2)
print("Number of characters in "+password1+": "+str(len(password1)))
print("Number of characters in "+password2+": "+str(len(password2)))
This works for me.
A. delete the message without opening it.
Never open emails you don't know who sent it, it could be a hacker trying to get your personal/financial information.