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Books written in depth on the subject
Any written or spoken words from creditable people who study\mastered the subject
Hope this helps.
Answer:One day enemies attacked the kingdom of Bumbaran and Prince Bantugan led his men to defend the kingdom, the evil king plotted against the good prince. ... Soon Prince Bantugan returned victorious from the battle. He knew that his brother hated him, so he decided to left the kingdom of Bumbaran.
The Kingdom of Bumbaran were ruled by the old king. But the old king was full envy toward his younger brother, Prince Bantugan. Prince Bantugan was so handsome, good and brave. Every time someone praised him. The old king looked angry with him. In his journey he heard about the beautiful land of the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas. It was ruled by a good king and the beautiful princess Datimbang, his sister. He decided to go to that kingdom. But when he stood outside the gates. He suddenly felt very weak. Prince Bantugan fell to the ground and died. The king and the princess of the kingdom were shocked when they saw the stranger lying. Princess Datimbang fallen in love to the stranger. No one knew who the stranger.The king made proclamation that all of his people must come to look at the prince so that he would know who was that man came from. But no one knew who’s that man. The two parrot talking each other about Prince Bantugan. The parrot of Prince Bantugan said, I lost my master, he left Bumbaran never to return. Another parrot said. He is dead. But you can see his body in the palace where he is lying in royal state. The parrot flew to the palace. He saw his master’s body, and said, he was so good to his people. He defended them in war. He cured the people when they were sick. When the king heard what the parrot said. He brought the body of Prince Bantugan into the kingdom of Bumbaran. Everyone quiered for the good Prince Bantugan.
Individual stories are an incredible vehicle for sharing encounters. These associations are shaped when audience members relate to a speaker dependent on the standard of comparability.
Sharing individual stories likewise enables the speaker to exhibit his or her weakness, a quality which is attractive in moderators. We will in general interface with the individuals who are eager to convey what needs be and uncover their considerations, emotions, and difficulties.
Individuals who talk adequately additionally have solid conveyance abilities. They shift the rate and volume of the discourse all through, stressing key focuses and delaying between principle thoughts, permitting audience members time to process the data.
Issues with reflection: the essayist doesn't tell his or her considerations and emotions, so there's nobody with whom the peruser can associate and sympathize.