Inertia- the tendency of an object to resist a change in velocity
Say a car was going at 65 MPH, but suddenly stopped. For all of the people in that car, their bodies would keep moving forward at 65 MPH until stopped by an equal force (say, the thing right in front of each person) The seatbelt is there to protect you from your own inertia.
Answer: Positive: Coastal areas help prevent erosion; filter pollutants; and provide food, shelter, breeding areas, and nursery grounds for a wide variety of organisms.
Negative: Added to this are impacts such as increased erosion due to coastal development, increased pollution, and increased boat traffic - all of which lead to further habitat loss and put increased pressure on marine species. ... Other coastal developments can also harm sensitive marine habitats and species.
The answer is Nitrification.
The answer you are looking for is called Serotonin. Please put this as the brainiest answer thank you and hope this helped.
DNA polymerases from human cells will denature under these conditions.
Under the PCR conditions described, DNA polymerase from <em>T. aquaticus </em>would be more effective than DNA polymerase from human cells. This is due to the higher optimal temperature of DNA polymerase from <em>T. aquaticus. </em>