3. <span>bebidas = drinks answer = un refresco (soda), la leche (milk) , el jugo (juice), el agua (water), el té (tea)
4. plato prinicipal = main dish answer = </span> <span>la paella (rice dish) el pollo (chicken), el puerco (pork)
5. </span><span>¿Cuál de estas frases es correcta? (Which of these sentence are correct?)</span><span> answer = La fresa es una fruta.</span>(strawberry is a fruit)
6. Quiero comer = I want to eat answer = <span>Tengo hambre. (I have hunger) (You don't say I am hungry in Spanish because you are not the feeling of hungry, you are [Your name] lol)
7. Quier beber (I want to drink) Answer = Tengo sed. (I have thirst)</span>