This was around WW2 dealing with pearl harbor. The president FRD put out a 9066. Which after that lead to the internment homes. If a Jap was a citizen/ or not they had to be moved.
1. If any one ensnare another, putting a ban upon him, but he can not prove it, then he that ensnared him shall be put to death.
2. If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if it be a capital offense charged, be put to death.
4. If he satisfy the elders to impose a fine of grain or money, he shall receive the fine that the action produces.
I just found the laws with their consequences. Hope this helps
US pioneers trusted that Iranian patriots were too inviting with communists; in this way, the United States reestablished the previous ruler's child to control.
After the United States overthrowed President Guzman of Guatemala in the mid 1950s, the new pioneer rapidly turned into a military tyrant.
The president would need the bill to be read by three different parties such as the Executive branch, the Legislative branch and the Judicial branch. These branches have people in their branches that take readings.
first the bill would be handed off to the first reading where it will be looked at and seen what they need to check for mistakes and the want for the law.
Second reading gets looked at again by another group of people and can be rejected but also be rejected at the first
then third goes to the third reading and is passed on to the governor general to be placed into Royal assent where it is officially a law.
Any subject of study needs justification: its advocates must explain why it is worth ... In the past history has been justified for reasons we would no longer accept. ... History should be studied because it is essential to individuals and to society, and ... Only through studying history can we grasp how things change