I will have to go with true on that one.
Parliament, desiring revenue from its North American colonies, passed the first law specifically aimed at raising colonial money for the Crown. The act increased duties on non-British goods shipped to the colonies.
They used Maginot Line. The Maginot Line was built to fulfill several purposes: To prevent a German surprise attack. ... To push Germany into an effort to circumvent via Switzerland or Belgium, and allow France to fight the next war off French soil to avoid a repeat of 1914–1918. To be used as a basis for a counter-offensive.
The traditional beliefs in some African communities are as evil powers, curse etc.
1. They belief that the disability is a curse for the people and people with the disabilities are hopeless.
2. They belief that the evil powers of witches or bad people will harm them for their needs.
3. They belief that their ancestors force them for the marriage and violence the society norms.
4. They belief that they receive a curse from the god.
Shays's rebellion led Washington and other Nationalists— including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison—to proclaim the Articles of Confederation inadequate and urge support for the Constitution produced by the Constitutional Convention in 1787.