It is a negative ion that has one more valence electron than a neutral bromine atom.
The bromine atom (Br) accepts one electron and forms the bromide ion (Br-), which carries a unit negative charge. Thus, the charge of the bromide ion is -1.
Bromine is corrosive to human tissue in a liquid state and its vapors irritate eyes and throat. Bromine vapors are very toxic with inhalation. Humans can absorb organic bromines through the skin, with food and during breathing. Organic bromines are widely used as sprays to kill insects and other unwanted pests.
Its salts are found in the crust at about . 4 parts per million. Bromine is only the 64th most common element on Earth. It is more rare than three quarters of the elements that comprise the Earth's crust
bromine is commonly found in highly un-reactive bromide salts - in much the same way that the poisonous green gas chlorine is commonly found in boring sodium chloride, table salt. ... Today, bromine is extracted on an industrial scale from salt lakes that are especially rich in the element, above all the Dead Sea
3/4 of the states (that's 38 states) ratify the proposed amendment. They do this by way of legislatures or special ratifying conventions.
whether there are mom or children involved. do they plan on becoming long term citizens
Answer: I don't know your question
Walmart has an mass production of household appliance