Maybe it could be about the benefits and challenges?
According to CDC (Disease Control and Prevention Center), influenza (flu) is an infectious respiratory disease caused by influenza virus infecting the nose, throat, sometimes the lungs. Influenza A and B viruses are the two main types of human infections. Influenza virus is active throughout the year, but in the US, the influenza season starts from around October and lasts until April with peaks peak in December and February. With this in mind, somewhere in September and October, we need to start thinking about ways to protect our children from the flu. This is particularly true for parents of young children who are at high risk of developing influenza complications. With appropriate precautions and cautious treatment, the disease may be mild.
(Answering to the best of my ability, not quite sure on how to answer this though)
Actions speak louder than words, everybody's heard this, but how does it apply to real situations? Do our thoughts and feelings truly have more impact on people? To be frank, yes, and no.
Let's start by talking about Action and intention. Something i always tell myself is that we judge others by their behavior and not their intent, as it's the opposite for us, in order to properly discuss this my must remove any action-based bias. In order to do that let's look over a situation. A well known and respected social media influencer has recently been targeted by a small content creator on the same platform, he sends threatening messages to her in comments at any chance, her fans attack the small creator for this, but what they didn't know was that she abused her children by gaslighting them. See how the situation changes just by seeing his intention? Let that serve as our lesson on action and intention.
Now we can get into the meat and bones of this essay, the contrast of actions and words. there are several instances where actions are more effective, as well as words. The general idea of Actions over words is focusing on saying and not doing, in other words saying you'll do something and doing nothing is pointless while you should just get up and do something. The idea of words over actions stems from the idea that action (mostly violent) won't win over anyone and calm words are more persuasive. There is no real way to say which is better as there are so many possible scenarios that in the end they balance out. what side your on is your choice, or would you rather just be in the middle?