I think the answer is B. :)
A. Incorrect- States location of California. No clue on discovery of gold.
California borders the Pacific Ocean.
B. Correct. The term 'Golden' gives a starter on the gold discovery later.
California became known as the Golden State.
C. Incorrect. Comparing size of states.
California is our third-largest state.
D. Incorrect. Out of topic, hinting natural disasters.
California also is home to earthquakes and landslides.
She has <span>Arachnophobia</span>
Khalil’s shooting and the ongoing investigation of Officer Cruise put the theme of injustice at the forefront of the novel. The fact that Khalil was unarmed and did not threaten the officer makes his murder unjust. The police are unjust at other points, too, such as when they force Maverick to the ground and pat him down. Race is tied into this theme of injustice as well, since pervasive racism prevents African-Americans from obtaining justice. Starr and Maverick in particular are focused on bringing justice not only for Khalil but also for African-Americans and other oppressed groups, such as the poor. The activist group that Starr joins is called Just Us for Justice because it fights against police maltreatment on the basis of race. At the end of the novel, Starr accepts that injustice might continue but reinforces her determination to fight against it.
A quote or citation is a literal statement made by someone, quoted by someone else. Quoting differs from paraphrasing in that the latter form reflects ideas of others in their own words (the idea is maintained, but the form is different from quoting).
When citing phrases, your own text should be written in such a way that the quote is seamlessly integrated. If that is not entirely successful without, for example, moving a verb from the quotation or putting it in a different tense, then this operation should be marked by putting the word between square brackets. If something from the quoted part is not quoted, the omission must be marked with an ellipsis: three dots between round brackets.