It’s about a family who has to flee their home in a dangerous city in Iraq. They have to leave behind most of their belongings but will not leave their pet cat.
<u>Group process or activities: </u>
Each group consists of different individuals who carry out a different set of responsibilities while having some set of skills. As inside a group there is always a priority to have individuals belonging to a diverse background and cultures, as they bring value to the firm and the team itself.
The team to which i belonged myself was much diverse in terms of having individuals belonging to different backgrounds, culture, and they even spoke different mother tongues. Now, to solve the problem of having the communication barrier between the different individuals are directed to communicate in a standard set by the group leader as an anonymous decision is carried out by all the team members. In our case we connected to one another in the team by using the Urdu language as the channel for communication or medium of instructions. As it made more easy for us to have a credible and proper communication with each of our teammates which also resulted in the success of the project.
The federal budget is one of the most important policy instruments of our government. Through their budget decisions, our elected leaders fulfill their constitutional responsibilities, signal their policy priorities, and manage the federal purse.
A - characters. i apologize if this is incorrect but hope it helped:) have a good day
पंडित श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य
धरती पर छायी हरियाली और आसमान में मेघमालाओं के बीच श्रावणी संस्कार एवं संकल्प बनकर बरस रही है। बारह महीनों में सावन का महीना कुछ विशेष है। धरती और सूर्य के खगोलीय संबंध पृथ्वी में पड़ने वाले अंतर्ग्रहीय प्रभाव इस महीने को कई विशेषताओं से अलंकृत करते हैं। सावन मास प्रकृति को समृद्ध बनाता है। बाह्य प्रकृति एवं पर्यावरण इस माह जितने संतुलित एवं समृद्ध होते हैं, उतने अन्य महीनों में कभी नहीं हो पाते। मानव की अन्तःप्रकृति की समृद्धि एवं श्रृंगार के लिए भी इस महीने का महत्त्व कुछ ज्यादा है। अध्यात्म विद्या के विशेषज्ञों ने इस महीने के लिए अनेक तरह के धर्माचरण अनुष्ठान एवं तपश्चर्या के विधान सुझाए हैं।