Instead of paying the entire premium annually, the premium is divided by 12, and that amount is due each month. Even with monthly fee, paying a monthly installment is a better option for some people. It allows you to spread the cost of premium out over time as most people budget their money on monthly basis.
In Snyder vs Phelps the supreme court of the United States was asked to decide if the sign's and words of protesters picketing Mathew Snyder's funeral were related to matters of public concern and, therefore, should be entitled to greater first admendment protection.
The Indian Ocean Trade began with small trading settlements around 800 A.D., and declined in the 1500’s when Portugal invaded and tried to run the trade for its own profit.
As trade intensified between Africa and Asia, prosperous city-states flourished along the eastern coast of Africa. These included Kilwa, Sofala, Mombasa, Malindi, and others. The city-states traded with inland kingdoms like Great Zimbabwe to obtain gold, ivory, and iron. These materials were then sold to places like India, Southeast Asia, and China. These were Africa’s exports in the Indian Ocean Trade. These items could be sold at a profit because they were scarce in Asian countries.
At the same time, the East African city-states were buying items from Asia. Many residents of the city-states were willing to pay high prices for cotton, silk, and porcelain objects. These items were expensive because they were not available in Africa at the time. These were Africa’s imports in the Indian Ocean Trade.
The city-states along the eastern coast of Africa made ideal centers of trade. An important attraction was the gold obtained from inland kingdoms. The gold was needed mainly for coins, although it was also used for works of art, ornamentation on buildings, and jewelry. Also, the city-states were easy to reach from Asia by ship because of the favorable wind and ocean currents. Ships had no trouble docking at the excellent ports and harbors located on the coasts of the city-states, making it easy to unload and load cargo. Merchants, tired after their long overseas journey, enjoyed the lodging and entertainment offered
The main objective of the Anti-federalists was avoid the establishment of the president because they thought that a centralized power could degenerate into a monarchy. Although the Anti-federalists could not avoid the approval of a new constitution, this effort was not completely in vain. Anti-federalism thus became an influential group among the founding fathers of the United States. With the approval of the constitution and the bill of rights, the anti-federalists were exhausted. They were succeeded by members of the anti-administration party, which opposed the fiscal and foreign policy of George Washington.
The American Revolution was principally caused by colonial opposition to British attempts to impose greater control over the colonies and to make them repay the crown for its defense of them during the French and Indian War (1754–63).