Andrew Carnegie.
Carnegie was born in 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland. His family moved to America in 1848. He established the Carnegie Steel Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which he later sold (and it became known as U.S. Steel). In later life, he became known for his philanthropy, giving of his wealth to various causes. The famous Carnegie Hall in New York City is just one example of something the wealth of Andrew Carnegie built for the benefit of others.
I guess (c) the attack on pear harbor
They do not have power over us in the world.
C - definitely not the case, it's very common in Mali
B - also not the case, it's not very common but it's not "unheard of"
As for A and D, it's problematic.
A - hm, this is also not really true, it would be better to call it that it's more common in the east and West and less common in the center
D- In Nigeria 25% of women undergo it, and it also recently banned it - it's not little and it's not "uncommon" but it's less than in other contries in teh region.
so both A and D are partially true, partially false, but I think that A is better than D because the some of the countries where FMG is most present, Mali and Egypt, are in the north and the southern counties have it less.
He nationalized the oil reserves and the rights for extraction of the oil.
Venezuela is a country that is very rich in oil, in fact it is the country that officially has the largest oil reserves in the world. Considering the fact that the oil is what brings in the majority of the income of this nation, plus the communist politics, Chavez nationalized all the oil reserves and the extraction of the same fall into the hands of the government. This angered the USA officials, as they are the biggest consumer of oil and always want to have control on the situation. Chavez though stood his ground, and that made the relations between the USA and Venezuela even worse, though in all fairness Venezuela has the right to do whatever it wants with its natural resources, so the USA has no right to tell them what to do or how should they do it.