It is better to be a Roman Slave. While lower caste indians or "Untouchables" were usually free, they were outcasts from society and were marked as dirty people that must never be touched. The roman slaves, though subjected to harsh labor and possible death, were given the option of freedom if they work for it. Slaves would sometimes be able to become soldiers and work for freedom that way while others might become free due to a sympathetic owner. During the later years of the roman empire, freed male slaves were even allowed to live quietly and vote. Does this answer your Question?
i think is D
because children should not be working in factories
The reason would be poverty. Many women had decided to work in order to support their families. Because of urbanization, many women started were given chances to work in factories and home-based jobs. There was a larger population of woman workers during this time. However, women workers were paid lesser compared to their male counterparts.
Answer is between B or C
I lean more towards C as the Guptas advanced in studies with math and astrology