entails accepting predicted gaps and their most likely causes. They can be helpful in identifying areas to concentrate on and in responding to projected results for the organisational unit.
What is Staffing Planning?
A staffing plan is a strategic planning process used by a business to evaluate and identify its personnel needs (usually under the direction of the HR team). In other words, a solid staffing plan aids in your understanding of the quantity and variety of personnel your business requires to achieve its objectives.
To learn more about Staffing Planning
A business owner pays for rent and equipment at their office ⇒ FIXED COSTs since the amount of rent paid should be the same year after year
An airline considers the costs of serving food and beverages to its passengers ⇒ VARIABLE COSTS since the cost of serving food will increase as the number of passengers increase, or will decrease if the number of passengers decrease
A company considers the costs it pays to its employees ⇒ VARIABLE COSTS since the number of employee can vary and the number of hours worked can also vary
A clothing manufacturer buys new machines for its factory ⇒ FIXED COSTS since the machines are depreciated at a predetermined rate that doesn't depend on the factory's output
The answer to the question is Semiannually
This means that a final Incident Response plan should be tested a minimum of two times every year by performing a structured walk-through test at least, and when possible, perform a more realistic type of test.
Answer: (A) Capital structure
The capital structure is basically refers to the overall financial operation in an organization for the growth of the company. The combination of the debt and the equity is basically known as capital structure.
The equity is basically refers to the common and the preferred stock and the debt is one of the form of bond issue.
Therefore, the mixture of 40 percent debt and the 60 percent of the equity is refers to capital structure.
15,900 is my because thats how much only sandra will pay.