<span>The correct answers are 1)C The medieval era was the age of feudalism, a system that was already declining after the Black Death, but was rapidly being removed after this War (leading to the supremacy of royalty and more "democratic" tendencies); 2)A The Medieval Age was focused on the Church's/Pope's huge and unquestioned influence (on par with the kings' power at the time); answers b. and. c. are almost senseless regarding the quesiton itself, D. led the way to Protestantism and other religious branches, but it was the self-awareness that people acquired, that mainly led to the end of Medieval Era.</span>
Oklahoma lands have always provided a combination of nutritious grasses and productive grain farms to the cattle industry. In the late 1880s, the open range reached to an end. Ranchers began to build closed-range ranches in Oklahoma since more railroads had made long cattle drives less necessary (Option B is the correct answer). Not only did the railroads allow the transport of cattle, but also it brought homesteaders and sheepherders to the plains. Besides, those homesteaders plowed up the prairie and enclosed the plains with barbed wire. At the same time, cattle ranchers started to fence huge tracts for their own use. As a result, conflicts between ranchers and homesteaders over land and water rights began to arise.
The Roles of Women in the Revolutionary War. Women took on many roles in the Revolutionary War. ... From supportive jobs like nurses, cooks and maids to more direct roles such as secret soldiers and spies, these Daughters of Liberty did more than their share to help win America's independence.