We decided that we would have a party after the premiere, but we were completely unprepared.
Yes, the lady in Cullen's poem is a deeply prejudiced and ignorant person, who doesn't want to really get to know black people as they are. Those prejudices seem to be so deeply engraved in collective memory that black people are associated with slavery, menial jobs, and intellectual inferiority. Hurston argues that media have the power to solve this problem. Hurston writes: "It is assumed that all non-Anglo-Saxons are uncomplicated stereotypes. Everybody knows all about them. They are lay figures mounted in the museum where all may take them in at a glance. They are made of bent wires without insides at all. So how could anybody write a book about the non-existent?"
Similarly, in Cullen's short and poignant poem, the lady believes that even in heaven black people will be assigned the same kind of duty that they have on Earth, in her opinion. It's as if they aren't capable of doing anything else, nor are they entitled to anything else above that.
Answer with Explanation:
After the Trojan War, Odysseus planned to go back home. Together with him was his second-in-command, Eurylochus (a cowardly man) Upon their return, they stopped over a mythological island called "Aeaea." This was the home of an enchantress named "Circe." So, instead of greeting Circe, Eurylochos stayed away and knew her treachery. He told Odysseus that the crew were turned into pigs, so Odysseus went to rescue his men. This started a fight between Eurylochos and Odysseus after he successfully saved his men from Circe. This ended in reconciliation and Circe telling Odysseus to seek advice from Tiresias<em> (a blind prophet of Apollo). </em>
The prophet told Odysseus that they shouldn't touch the "Cattle of Helios" or the "Oxen of the Sun." However, the crew were already hungry. Thus, Eurylochus convinced them to eat the cattle while Odysseus was asleep. He told the crew how better it would be to be killed by the gods rather than by hunger and thus, they believed him. They killed the cattle and ate them. Because of this, Zeus became very angry and destroyed their ship.
Everyone was killed except Odysseus <u>(the only survivor</u>).