Hola puerto rico no está en buenas condiciones porque Es una isla volcánica del Caribe considerada "territorio no incorporado" de los Estados Unidos (con estatus de autogobierno).Puerto Rico tampoco está en buenas condiciones porque el huracán María atacó a Puerto Rico el año pasado, creolo siento, solo puedo responder esta pregunta pero espero que me ayuden!
English translation:
"It's good that my friends ____ me with the project for art class."
The Spanish sentence uses a reflexive verb, which indicates that the verb will be applied to a subject. The subject in this sentence is 'me', which means that the speaker is being helped.
The subject acting out the verb is 'mis amigos', which is a third-person plural subject. The conjugation for ayudar that agrees with this subject is ayudan.
I have been already seen by her