1. es
2. estan (with accent on a)
It gives the sentence proper meaning
La senora Vila es...
Sus sobrinos no estan...
Let's start with:
<span>Nobody can start eating until everyone sits down at the table.
Nadie puede empezar a comer antes de que todos esten sentados a la mesa.
Now, let's use the vocabulary words.
Si algien te pasa algo, siempre deberìas decir "gracias" (if someone passes you something, always say "thank you".
No d</span><span>ìgas "dàme", sino "por favor puedes..." (negative expression).
Tambi</span><span>én</span><span> es una buena idea no usar el celular mientras la comida. Algunos de tus amigos pueden sentirse ofendidos. (don't play with your phone, your friends might be offended by this)
It would take 4-10 weeks if you have someone to talk to that also speaks Spanish
Answer: I'm pretty sure the correct answer is follow the speed limit
Yeah the answer is “ estas “