It would be A hope I helped...Are you in k12 8th grade?
A journal written by Christopher Columbus on one of his voyages
A primary source document is a document that was written by a person who experienced an event first hand, while a secondary source document on the other hand, is a document that was written by someone who did not experience the event first hand.
The correct answer is option C because Columbus experienced the discovery of the New World first-hand.
The answer is not D because a document sent to New World miners by a Spanish official is a secondary source document.
The correct answer is A
California v. Cabazon Band of Mission Indians was a US Supreme Court landmark decision issued in 1987. It abolished laws which restricted gaming and gambling on Indian reservations. States desired to control gaming in reservations but this decision concluded that Indian gambling could only be restricted in states where all gaming activities were deemed criminal according to state law. It was considered unconstitutional, that the states tried to limit only certain type of gambling activities and not others.
In short, Libertarians believe the government should never violate an individuals rights (socially liberal), and should be extremely limited its power, especially in regards to the economy (economically conservative).
Carried forward, Libertarians generallysupport gay rights, a woman's right to choose ("pro-choice"), and an individuals privacy (opposed to the Patriot Act, and to a degree also opposed to the CIA). Anything that expands the individuals' rights, Libertarians support.
Economically, Libertarians generally believe that Capitalism should be unregulated. There are some blatant problems with monopoly and scams (i.e. Ponzi schemes), and a certain number of Libertarians believe there ought to be some regulation.
In a similar vein, Libertarians generally are opposed to the power of the monopoly called government. As a political philosophy, Libertarians believe the government should exist only to protect the liberties of its citizens. A strong military is acceptable, but Libertarians favor the philosophy of the founding fathers - nonintervention.
These "policies" are only as I understand them, and should not be taken as representative of all Libertarians.
I’m not sure I just need to answer 2 questions