yep, whatcha need help with?
1. I may not be able to jog today, as I am feeling a bit under the weather.
2. At the start of the lecture, the new professor tried to break the ice by telling a joke.
3. I will be on cloud nine when my articles get published.
When someone says they are feeling under the weather, it means they are not feeling well.
When someone says to break the ice, it means to get a conversation going or to relieve the tension in a social setting.
When someone says they are on cloud nine, it means they are super happy.
c- she wanted to wear the diamonds to an event but could not
In the passage, it states that she was mad that it took so long because she wanted to wear the jewls, but did not know that they had to get all this money to get the necklace once again
If the writer’s opinion is not objective, it mostly means
that the source is biased. Objectivity is very important aspect of any writing.
If the readers perceive that the writer is being biased, they probably will
undergo selective perception and chose one thing from the piece and omit the
other. It is very important that the writer writes in a way that the reader
goes through the entire piece and retains as much about the piece as possible. It
can only be done by writing objectively.
o just 4 the phone case a51 and it seems to me it won't work
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