The Ewell family is like the poorest or lowest class of people in the story. The dad is a drunkard and their daughter is a lonely girl and her dad abuses her.
Here’s some ideas on what to write about:
1. Everyone deserves a chance at an amazing life, college can open those doors.
2. Not all colleges are the same. There’s a different fit for everyone. For example...Ivy League, state universities, community colleges and technical colleges.
How does one's own body betray a person? Winston means involuntary movements a person might make from bottling up so much emotional and intellectual tension for so long. He once witnessed a man with a contorted face walking by. His expression was involuntary but Winston surely knew the man would be killed.
hope it helps
Ray Bradbury: Short Stories “The Murderer” Summary and ...
Ray Bradbury: Short Stories study guide contains a biography of Ray Bradbury, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis of select short stories.
The Murderer - Wikipedia
"The Murderer" (1953) is a short story by Ray Bradbury, published in his collection The Golden Apples of the Sun. Plot summary. The scene is set in the near future, in an apparently sterile and clinical building.
Author: Ray Bradbury
Genre(s): Short Story
Country: United States
Language: English
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Ray Bradbury Questions and Answers - Discover the community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on Ray Bradbury