Respuesta corta: la palabra "Administración" se compone del prefijo "ad", término "minister" y el sufjo "tio" de origen griego.
La etimología es la disciplina que se encarga del estudio sobre el origen, significado y evolución de las palabras. De acuerdo a lo anterior, el origen etimológico de la palabra "administración" se compone del prefijo "ad" que significa adquirir; la palabra "minister" que significa subordinado y el sufijo "tio" que significa selección. En resumen el significado general de origen griego de la palabra administración es "función subordinada".
Then in the 1800s major changes came our way. The telephone and radio were invented. ... To the people living in that day and age it could be said that radio, telephone, letters and telegraphs were their social media platforms. It was the way they were able to communicate with their public.
In WWII, when all the men went to fight overseas, all of the women took over and did the manufacturing jobs and even took over playing baseball because there were so few men to do so
the answers are given below.
Toussaint L'Ouverture = He was best known as the leader of Haitian revolution. He also fought for Saint Dominique in the ear of Napoleonic France.
Miguel Hidalgo= He was the leader of Mexican independence war. He was a Roman Catholic priest and also a professor.
José de San Martín= He was a Spanish Argentine . He is known as the' El Libertador' which means liberator of Argentina , Chili and Peru.
Simón Bolívar= He was a Venezuelan Military member and a politician . But he was known as the leader of the liberation war of Venezuela,Bolivia, Colombia ,Ecuador against The Spanish Army.