The Three requirements one must meet before becoming a member of the Senate are one you have to be at least 30 years old. Second, a U.S. citizen for at least nine years at the time of election to the Senate. And third, a resident of the state one is elected to represent in the Senate.
I think that the answer is C
I will answer in English. The three estates are:
1. The Church; those who prayed
2. Nobility; those who fought, for example knights
3. Peasantry; Everybody else under feudalism, for example those who produced the food which supported those who prayed and those who fought, the members of the First and Second Estates
Here the answer in portuguese
1. A Igreja; Aqueles que oraram2. Nobreza; Aqueles que lutaram, por exemplo cavaleiros3. Camponeses; Todos os outros sob o feudalismo, por exemplo aqueles que produziram o alimento que apoiou aqueles que oraram e aqueles que lutaram, os membros do Primeiro e Segundo Estates