La Patasola, La Soyona, La Mancarita
The verb, ser, is in the singular el/ella/usted tense, meaning that the subject is only one person or thing. This eliminates the two middle choices, as they are multiple people.
Next, the adjective. Alto is in the masculine form, so Maria, as it is a girl name, is also able to be eliminated.
The correct answer would be Tomas.
Saque la basura.
Take out the garbage.
This sentence is correct because it's in the third person singular form, in the subjunctive, present tense, which indicates it is a formal command. When it comes to formal commands, we use USTED and USTEDES. The tenses we use -- we always use SUBJUNCTIVE present tense, in the third person singular and third person plural form.
The first one is 'a ti' and the second one is "a nosotros"
I believe a song
but please don't quote me on it