Mae Tuck is getting ready to go meet her sons. But before she leaves, Mae and her husband Tuck have a conversation about wanting to change the things they can't. Sounds normal enough, right? Oh, but then the narrator hints that these two are immortal. Well, then.Winnie Foster (of the Foster family—remember them?) is talking to a toad when a strange man in a yellow suit appears and asks her questions. Winnie's grandma joins them and they all hear some strange music. (Don't worry, we're confused, too.)
The next day, Winnie runs away, and she meets Jesse Tuck, who's drinking from a spring. Dude won't let her have any of the water, though. Soon enough, Jesse's mother and brother, Mae and Miles, appear. The three Tucks grab Winnie and start running—but not before Yellow Suit Guy can see them. When they finally get a moment to stop, the Tucks tell Winnie their story, and Winnie promises to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing.
The answer is c
I was disappointed in the quality of the widget I purchased from your online store.<span>
Peers has two meanings:
1) verb: to look or gaze. For example: He peers at the puppy through the window. (that is, he looks at the puppy through the window)
2) noun: Individuals who are comparable on some given metric. For example: My peers and I met to discuss issues which impacted our lives.
Peer's refers to something belonging to a single peer (definition two above).
For example: I thought that my peer's sweater looked very nice on him.
Peers' refers to something belonging to a group of peers (definition two above). For example: As a group, my peers' achievements are very impressive!
So for your sentence on taking advice, I would assume that you would want
to use "peer's", because it refers to the advice which comes from a single peer.
As he gains intelligence, Charlie realizes his co-workers, including Joe and Frank, seem afraid of him and are not so friendly anymore. Finally, Charlie recognizes that Frank and Joe used to laugh at him and never were his real friends. He feels foolish for being deceived by them.