Bonjour !
<em />
<em>Hier midi, Malik "avait"faim et "mangea" au restaurant. </em>
<em>Il "regardait" distraitement les gens qui "passaient"dans la rue. </em>
<em>Soudain, il "vit"sa petite amie Mina avec un autre garçon! Et ils "avaient"l'air de bien s'amuser! </em>
<em>Malik "était" furieux. </em>
<em>Il "sortit"du restaurant en courant et "chercha" le couple partout dans la rue. </em>
<em>Finalement, il "vit" Mina et le mystérieux jeune homme. </em>
<em>Les deux jeunes gens "étaient" à l'arrêt du bus. </em>
<em>Malik "alla" vers eux et " eu" une explication à sa petite amie.</em>
<em>Mina "éclata" de rire et "expliqua" que le garçon qui "était" avec elle " n'était" autre que son… cousin, Reza. </em>
<em>Malik "fut" vraiment gêné.</em>
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Qui est-ce?
Où habites-tu?
Où est ton stylo?
Combien de gommes y a -t-il dans ta trousse?
Quel âge a -t-elle?
Read this note and watch this video to learn how to express duration in French.
Have fun and be attentive
Prepositions: Duration - course
Since (with the present): duration between the start of an action and now: duration since a date in the past or an event and now. The action expressed by the verb continues even today .................. 'abite here for 4 years. since January 2003, since my marriage.
During the actual duration of an action .......................... lived here for 15 years. I will be going on vacation during the month of August. I learned French during my vacation.
There is (with the past tense affirmative): indicates a precise moment in the past, for a finished action ............... He left 5 minutes ago.
Until indicates the end of the duration of an action: ................ I am here until Tuesday. He lived here until his sister left.
In: the time necessary to carry out an action .................. I go to work in half an hour. (I leave at 9 a.m. and arrive at 9:30 a.m.)
For indicates the planned duration, the planned duration .................. He will come for 3 months but if the city pleases him he will stay longer.
Since (with the present): duration between the start of an action and now: duration since a date in the past or an event and now. The action expressed by the verb continues even today .................. 'abite here for 4 years. since January 2003, since my marriage.
Bonjour !
a) J'ai attendu mes élèves---------
b) J'ai appelé mon père----------
c) J'ai écrit une lettre-----------
d) J'ai vu mon professeur---------
e) J'ai raconté mon histoire-------