b) in general, lyric poems focus less on characters and plot
As a student, there are times when I come across a group of <em>overdue </em>assignments that need to be turned in by a certain date and time. Many times when this happens, I feel <em>overloaded </em>and swamped with work<em>. </em>Normally when I am stressed out, I don't want to go <em>overboard</em>, so I try to calm myself down by doing something I enjoy, like going for walks. Naturally I would grab my <em>overcoat</em> because it is still a little chilly outside, and I would take a stroll around the neighboring area. There is this little dirt road, <em>overhung</em> by trees that I love to walk down. After a stressful day it is the best feeling to enjoy a little peace and quiet.
The objective point of view observes the story objectively, from the absolute outside of any characters’ heads, feelings, and knowledge. This POV is also called cinematic because of its similarity to movies, in which you can see what’s going on and hear what’s said, but you can’t see what any of the characters are thinking or feeling.