B) The ziggurat’s height made it a focal point of the city. It was a symbol of theocracy giving recognition to the deity’s political authority.
The ziggurat is a pyramidal tower that is characteristic of the cultures of Mesopotamia, particularly those located in Iraq. These structures were built from approximately 2200 until 500 BCE. The ziggurat was a focal point in the city, and it is believed that it was considered a symbol of theocracy and the political power of gods. Approximately 25 iggurats have been discovered, although none of them are preserved to their original height.
Britain and france controlled Africa’s economy and religious
The Loyalty Oath..........
They furthered the conservative and religious agenda
The Moral Majority was a political action group from the 1970s that followed a conservative and relgious agenda and wanted prayer in school and strict abortion laws which attracted many American voters - specifically Republicans.
There were many who volentered to be servants but others wanted to retain their freedom.