Preamble- the reasons they are writing the decloration
Grivences- all the things that the king did that they did not like
resolution of independance- saying that the US is now free from Britian and they can not control the US
More, had a comparative advantage, produce more
In the previous example, the United States and Brazil were efficient when they specialized. Brazil choose to specialize in the production of bananas because it in producing it. The United States and Brazil when they specialize.
This isn't a school question but ill answer it anyway, he walked off the field because he took the coach saying leave personally.
Critical theories.
Found its root in Karl Marx's critique of economy and society, critical theories determine how power relations between different groups operate in society. The theory is based on the opposition of dominant forces in society in various spheres including, political, economic, social and ideological. The theory must fully explain the existing social issues and provide practical solutions to how to respond to them.