Unique 32-bit number assigned to every machine on the internet
Internet Protocol is a numerical representation that uniquely identifies a device on a network, like Internet for instance. An IP address is an address used in order to uniquely identify a device on an IP network. The address is made up of 32 binary bits, which can be divisible into a network portion and host portion with the help of a subnet mask.
An IPv4 address contains 4 octets, so it's a total 32 bits long while addresses in IPv6 are 128-bits long.
Bitmap images can contain any number of colors but there are four main categories: Line-art. These are images that only contain two colors, usually black and white.
Some programmers include scroll bars, title bars, buttons, and menus in a program simply by adding them to a layout through a process called visual programming.
A visual programming language is also commonly referred to as graphics user interface builder (GUI builder) and can be defined as a programming tool that avails programmers the ability to develop software programs (applications) using graphical elements and figures rather than texts alone.
Some examples of visual programming language are executable UML, Blockly, Kodu, Alice, Lego mindstorms, Gamemakers etc.
Lowest Level; Machine Language.
The lowest level of a computer is machine language, which are strings of 0's and 1's in bits, and it's possible to perform tasks at this level. It's however difficult to do and humans created <em>Assembly</em>; a type of low level programming language to be readable, and converts to machine language so that we don't have to work in binary.