My experience with customer service complaint resolution
I recently helped a disgruntled client who was dissatisfied with inconsistencies between our actual inventory and what our mobile application displayed.
We were entirely out of the item they sought, despite the app claiming that we had plenty in stock. They needed the item immediately, so I suggested a similar item that I already possess instead of offering to visit other retailers to get it for them.
They praised me for my time and work, and after a week they really returned to tell me how much they like the final product. My experience with customer is also good.
Learn more about customer service
B because you can characterize the character through their dialogue.
Dude just ... ReAd ThE iNsTrUcTiOnS
Eye of Heaven. This is a metaphor that refers to the sun. The phrase "too hot the eye of heaven shines" means the heat of the sun is too much. The symbolism is relative to the sun being round with rays that look like an eye and heaven refers to something in the sky that you look up to.