1914 Map
1. Identify each of the countries numbered on the map.
The following countries shown on the map are:
1. Germany
2. Austro Hungarian Empire
3. Serbia
4. Bulgaria
5. Romania
6. Turkey
7. Greece
8. Italy
9. Netherlands
10. Belgium
11. United Kingdom
12. France
13. Portugal
14. Spain
15. Norway
16. Sweden
17. Russia
18. Albania
2. Colour in red the countries belonging to the Triple Alliance:
The countries belonging to the Triple Alliance were: Italy, Austro Hungarian Empire, and Germany.
The Triple Alliance was a formal military agreement between Italy, the Austro Hungarian Empire, and Germany, formed in 1882, which also existed during World War I. The main responsible person for the Triple Alliance was Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany. The countries who were members of this Alliance provided military help and support to each other during the military conflicts.
3. Colour in green the countries belonging to the Triple Entente:
The countries belonging to the Triple Entente were: Russia, France, and Great Britain.
The Triple Entente represents an informal understanding between Russia, France, and Great Britain. It formed a powerful counterweight to the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. However, this was not an alliance of mutual defense.
4. Colour in grey the countries that make up the Balkan States
The Balkan States were: Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Greece, and a part of the Austro Hungarian Empire.
In 1914, Balkans laid between the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires. It was strategically placed and it helped European nations to achieve their invincibility. We can even say that World War I started in Balkans after Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo.
5. Draw a star where the city of Sarajevo is located.
Sarajevo was a part of the Austro Hungarian empire. In the attachment, you can find a map where Sarajevo is marked with a pink dot.
Sarajevo was a very important place before World War I, as there Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. The main objective of Gavrilo Princip and his conspirators was to break off Austria-Hungary's Slav provinces so they could be combined into a Yugoslavia.
6. Draw a blue line where the area known as the "Western Front" is located.
In the attachment, you can find a blue line, which represents the area known as the "Western Front."
The Western Front was one of the main battlefields during World War I.
The main objective of this front was to prevent an enemy advance and seize control over the most important strategic areas.
The route of the Western Front was:
Belgium, north-eastern France, Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg, western Germany.
7. Draw an arrow on the map to show the direction of Canada.
In the attachment, you can find a red arrow that shows the direction of Canada.
Canada was located on the west side of the world, above the United States of America. In 1914, Canada was a part of the British empire. Britain declared war on Germany. When Great Britain declared war on Germany, Canada, as a member of the British Empire, was automatically at war, and its citizens from all across the land had to participate in the war.