Sunlight spectrum or prism refract light and create a rainbow (roy g biv) Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet.
Movement of plates bring changes in the physical features of the earth surface in the following ways.
1) When the earth plates move, formation of ocean occurs.
2) Continents are also the product of plates movement. Earthquake is also caused by plates movement inside the earth.
3) Mountain also formed due to the movement of plates. Volcanic eruptions also occurs due to plates.
A phospholipid is made of glycerol, two the fatty acid tails, and a phosphate-linked head group. More unsaturated fatty acids it means less tightly packed phospholipids its results to the greater membrane fluidity. Unsaturated fatty acids are naturally occurring, meaning that the remaining hydrogen is on the same side of the molecule and result in a bending of the hydrocarbon chain.
heavier! ( depends what type of metal can)
Rusting has to do something with corrosion and involves oxygen.So basically, when oxygen is added to the system process, this what makes the metal can become heavier.
Any process that exerts a stress on a rock that eventually causes it to break into smaller fragments is a type of mechanical weathering.