From the occurrence of the Crusades muslim society became hated. Muslim were believed to be infidels and against God so they were unjustly persercutes.
September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945
The correct answer is George Washington. The first President and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States served two consecutive terms between 1789 – 1797, formed several executive cabinets (<em>Departments of War, Treasury, and the State Department. Additionally, appointed the Attorney General and Postmaster General in 1789</em>), and, at the end of its second term, he chose to retire.
Because people can learn from other people, in both in failures and in successes. The founding fathers of the United States took after the Roman republic in modeling after there government. This is why the United States Congress is structured in the same manner as the Roman Congress. Versus the rectangular or roundtable types of congresses that are seen in European countries.
They also took after the Romans on the idea of a republic being comprised of people elected to represent them. These people are also meant to be changed out on a regular basis. And that the public was in control of who was calling the shots on their behalf.