The answer should be climax sorry I just saw your question today I hope I wasn't to late and if I was I'm really sorry
It screens water out of the cactus pieces.
Removing water from cactus is a survival skill. This is because these plants have the ability to store water in their leaves.
To remove the water they store, you need to cut some "pads," the name given to the succulent leaves of the plant, remove the thorns, cut into pieces and, with the aid of a cloth, squeeze them.
cactus with fruits usually have water suitable for human consumption. If, even finding fruits, the person is left in doubt, the tip is to check if it has been pecked by birds. If so, no problem, you can drink the water.
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The use of informal language and sarcasm in the text provided a vivid description of the turmoil Yoyo was passing through. Words and phrases such as "brown-nosing", "jammed", "deliver a eulogy for a convent full of crazy, old, overweight nuns," presented the ideas being conveyed by the speaker in a sarcastic manner.
Informal language deviates from the official use of a language and this was evident in many of the colloquial idioms that were used to describe Yoyo.
Symbols, Motifs, and Themes in 'The Metamorphosis.'
‘The Metamorphosis’ is a story about Gregor Samsa, a man who one day transforms into a gaint disgusting bug written by Franz Kafka. In the novel, Kafka have made use of symbols (an idea or object used to represent something) and motifs (reoccurring idea or concept that is used in the story) throughout the novel.
Apples are the important symbol that have been used repeatedly used by Kafka. In Bible, apples are considered a fruit of good and evil. When seeing Gregor’s transformation his mother faints, so Gregor fills his pockets with apples for the cure of his wife. He also load some on the back of Gregor, but that injures him which leads to death. Here, apples represents life and death which also leads to its theme.
Spring is another symbol in the novel which is developed after Gregor’s death which symbolizes hope and revewal. These symbols further develop the theme of family duty and responsibility.