With the appearance of the wolves at the end of the story, the author left an open ending but suggests the end of the conflict between the two men, too. They wanted to kill each other and the wish becoming reality in a twisted way because the wolfs will kill them, as the author concludes with the happiness of Ulrich because of his hate to Georg and desire to saw him dead, even if the wolves murder him too.
Hello. Since you did not provide the text, the answer may be a little inaccurate, but I hope it helps.
Answer and Explanation:
One of the most important points in Edipo Rei's story is the professions and how they impact the story and influence the characters' actions. Firstly we see the profession being given to Edipo's biological father, while the oracle says that he will be killed by his son and that this will result in a curse for the family. Edipo's father is so agonized by this information that he orders to kill his own son, who survives and, in fact, kills him without knowing that he is his father. This moment reveals the lack of fraternity in the family and the fear of the future.
Oedipus also receives the profession that he will kill his father and marry his mother and for fear of causing harm to his adoptive parents he leaves, in the middle of the way he murders his biological father and marries his biological mother, without knowing his familiarity. between them.
The last prophecy is shown when Oedipus seeks the killer of the king of Thebes, his biological father, and receives the profession that the killer is closer to what he imagines.
The fly plant bc it will spray all over the place
The answers are A,B, and D
it depends on the person. But i 100% agree