molding sand, washed sand, beach sand, mason sand, and silica sand
they all have different features and are better for certain things, for example some of silica sands features are
Molecular Weight: 60.084 g/mol
Exact Mass: 59.966756 g/mol
Boiling Point: 4046°F at 760 mm Hg
Melting Point: 3110°F
Beryllium family
English Transcript:
Beryllium is the lightest member of the alkaline earth metals family. These metals make up Group 2 (IIA) of the periodic table. They include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar chemical properties.
Spanish (Español) Transcripción:
El berilio es el miembro más ligero de la familia de los metales alcalinotérreos. Estos metales forman el Grupo 2 (IIA) de la tabla periódica. Incluyen berilio, magnesio, calcio, estroncio, bario y radio. Los elementos de la misma columna de la tabla periódica tienen propiedades químicas similares.