the process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide and water into food using energy from sunlight
I am sorry I can only answer 7 for you.
Hope it helps
7= By replacing the neurons lost from a injury with new cells.
The effects of gamma radiation are investigated by studying plant germination, growth and development, and biochemical characteristics of maize. Maize dry seeds are exposed to a gamma source at doses ranging from 0.1 to 1 kGy. Our results show that the germination potential, expressed through the final germination percentage and the germination index, as well as the physiological parameters of maize seedlings (root and shoot lengths) decreased by increasing the irradiation dose. Moreover, plants derived from seeds exposed at higher doses did not survive more than 10 days. Biochemical differences based on photosynthetic pigment (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids) content revealed an inversely proportional relationship to doses of exposure. Furthermore, the concentration of chlorophyll a was higher than chlorophyll b in both irradiated and non-irradiated seedlings. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy used to evaluate the amount of free radicals induced by gamma ray treatment demonstrates that the relative concentration of radiation-induced free radicals depends linearly on the absorbed
Adenina (30%), citosina (15%), guanina (15%) o timina (40%)
El 30% de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la adenina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales corresponde a la citosina, el 15% de las bases nitrogenadas totales toma la guanina y el 40% restante de las bases nitrogenadas totales lo ocupa la timina. Entonces, al combinar todos estos porcentajes, obtenemos el 100 por ciento del volumen del ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN).
physical change alert the form of appearance of the matter but does not turn any substance in the matter into a different substance.