Can we take a moment to bask in the joy of how well-written A Raisin in the Sun is... Ok, moment over!
From act 1 scene 1, it's very clear that this family has issues simmering beneath the surface. The question shouldn't be what caused tension, it should be what <em>doesn't </em>cause tension, because Walter and Ruth argue about a large number of things. It's not a happy marriage, it seems.
When Ruth accuses Walter of keeping their son up by talking late at night, he complains, "That's what you mad about, ain’t it? The things I want to talk about with my friends just couldn’t be important in your mind, could they?"
The main issue between them, though, is money. It's underlying everything they argue about - Walter's association with Willy, Travis' ask for the 50 cents, Walter's late-night discussions with his "friends."
In her poem, Natasha Trethewey´s description of home shows that, despite being usually a comfortable place, it can take away the possibility of exploring new and more interesting places.
This idea arises from the image of a cat choosing whether to go back home or not. Staying outside is described as a “luminous possibility—all that would keep her away from home".
Then, Trethewey states that her observation of the cat led her to wonder if she could be able to get someone to come back to her home, questioning if her voice would be "enough to call someone home".
The thirteenth amendment states that slavery is abolished all throughout the United States. So A is the answer.
The author uses a case in point to illustrate the value of education that allows free rein in personal initiative.
(Your address)
Top Aliens
c/o Out of this World Bob ZA
Alien dolls
125 Marz Street
Martian Village, NY 96985
Dear Bobett,
I saw and ordered your, “Out of
this World Bob ZA Alien” dolls online a few days ago. I received them in the mail today. I noticed it was supposed to come with seven
unique aliens. However, it came with seven
ThingamaBOBs instead.
Can you please send me the other
dolls in the set (Bob, Bobster, Bobbie, Bobetta, RoBOBert, and Bobcat)? If you want, I can send the extra six
ThingamaBOB dolls back.
Thank you for taking care of
this. I know I will enjoy the complete
Bob family!
Best Regards,
Your Name