The correct answer is dictatorship. The reason for this is because in a dictatorship, both the executive and legislative branches are controlled by the leader. Hope this helps.
Answer: A democracy needs all of its eligible citizens to participate by voting.
George Nathan is trying to show the importance of voting with that statement with the logic being that if good citizens avoid voting, the only ones who will vote will end up electing bad officials.
It is therefore the responsibility of every citizen who is eligible to vote to actually do so as this will ensure that the democracy will work as it as it is supposed to.
Black Power began as revolutionary movement in the 1960s and 1970s. It emphasized racial pride, economic empowerment, and the creation of political and cultural institutions
The 1965 assassination of Malcolm X, coupled with the urban riots of 1964 and 1965, ignited the movement. New organizations that supported Black Power philosophies ranging from the adoption of socialism by certain sects of the movement to black nationalism, including the Black Panther Party (BPP), grew to prominence.
c) forma de organização social que fomentou o patriarcalismo e a miscigenação.
Esse desenho retratava a organização espacial das propriedades no Brasil colonial e ele foi estabelecido dessa forma para reforçar as ideias de ordem patriarcal e hierarquia social que estimulava as ideias de desvalorização do escravo negro, enquanto valorizava o senhor da propriedade e as pessoas de traços físicos europeus. Por esse motivo, a casa grande ficava no centro do tereno, reforçando a ideia de controle e superioridade dos cidadãos brancos, enquanto as demais instalações ficavam nos lugares mais perifericos do terrreno.
Obs: Perguntas em português devem ser postadas no campo "world languagens" porque esse é o servidor americano e não o servidor brasileiro, caso contrario a sua pergunta corre o risco de ser excluída.