The expansion of railroads directly led to economic growth in the us because more people were able to commute to and from their workplace to their homes. Since some work opportunities before railroads were seen as too far away from home, once the railroads were created and trains were running on the tracks, the lengthy distances were shortened and people were able to look for jobs in places where they were more abundant, therefore boosting the economy.
Wounded Knee was a symbolic site because of the Wounded Knee Massacre, which took place there in 1890. The massacre occurred on the Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The massacre was the culmination of a more than 20 years of intense warfare between American and Native American forces. Efforts to stamp out Native American resistance, especially proponents of the Ghost Dance, a ceremonial dance originated by the Pauite prophet Wovoka which centralized figured prominently in this event. Determined to root out the practice, US army troops pursued 250 Lakota to Pine Ridge. After a disagreement and scuffle, the troops opened fire and killed more than 250 defenseless children, women and old people. AIM considered this site sacred ground and occupied it to dramatize the need to address the plight of Native American people.
John L. Sullivan was a boxer.
The Vietnam war was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The North Vietnam was a communist country and wanted the spread of communism to South Vietnam. The United States didn’t want this and supported South Vietnam through providing troops and war equipment for the war.
At the peak of the Vietnam War, the number of American troops in Vietnam was approximately 500,000. The US and South Vietnam lost the war and the communist spread to South Vietnam was achieved.